Where Do I Go From Here?

A Practical “In Your Face” Guide For Developing A Successful Life & Business Plan! (limit 1 per purchase)

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $10.99.


This book has one goal in mind; to empower you to become a complete person with balance in all the key areas of life so that you can accomplish your goals and achieve business success. You have wanted to start your business for quite some time now and it has never seemed like the right time. Questions like: Can I commit the time needed for success or do we really have the money to start a business right now or is this the right time to take such a huge risk with our future, have paralyzed you. As a result, you have watched years roll by and you are no closer to realizing your dreams than when you first began to dream. This book helps you to understand that there may never be an ideal time to take the risk of starting a business. You will probably never have enough money or time. That, however, is focusing on the negative. Let’s focus on what you do have:

  • You have a great idea.
  • You have a sincere commitment to your family and those you love.
  • You have a strong desire for more in and out of life.
  • You have everything it takes for business success.

What you don’t have is a plan and direction. This book will give you that plan and the direction you need. You will walk away from this book with a new approach to life and your business. You will no longer have to ask the question…

Where do I go From Here?


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